National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month is an annual campaign held every October to raise awareness of the dangers of prescription and over-the-county medicine abuse.  

According to Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of American (CADCA), prescription drugs are the second most abused substance after marijuana.  One in five young adults reports that they have abused a prescription drug at some time.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 20 percent of teens say they have taken a prescription medication without having a prescription. Plus, 3 percent report abusing over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines to get high.  

So, what can you do?  Sieda Prevention has some tips. 

  • Talk to your teens about prescription and OTC medicine abuse.  Teens who learn about the risks of drugs from their parents are 50 percent less likely to use drugs.  
  • You can also safeguard your medicine cabinet.  Know what you have and how much, and discard any medicines you no longer need.  
  • You can return prescription medications to your nearest Prescription Drug Take Back Sites. Sites are listed to the right or visit the location map.
  • Visit your local law enforcement center for National Drug Take-Back Day, October 23, 2021. There are participating county Sheriff offices in Van Buren and Appanoose Counties. As well as these law enforcement centers participating in Albia and Oskaloosa.

More information on National Drug Take-Back Day, October 23, 2021.

Click for the interactive map, with helpful links and information.