Sieda Community Action has been able to provide diapers in Wapello county for nearly 2 years and is excited to expand to a new county.  Starting today, August 3rd, we will be providing diapers in Appanoose County.

We have the Diaper Pantry to assist parents living in poverty. Families struggle with the average monthly diaper cost of $80 per child. Not providing the needed amount of diaper changes can cause severe diaper rashes and other health problems.

The Legacy Foundation started us on this path in September 2020 by granting funds for a Wapello County Diaper Pantry Program. Helping, since the beginning, with almost 300 families and providing diapers 1,643 times.  In just 10 months we gave 7,970. 

With additional money and support given from Amerigroup, Hy-Vee, and others we are opening a pantry in Appanoose County. We are still working on spreading the Diaper Pantry to more counties in our service area. 

How to Apply?

The application for diapers is linked below. You may print your form or pick it up when going in for diapers.      English Application              Spanish Application

Appanoose County Sieda Resource Center, 111 N Main Street, Centerville
Wapello County Sieda Main Office,  725 W. Second Street, Ottumwa

Who Can Apply?


  • Applicants must have an income level at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level to be eligible. 
  • Only Appanoose and Wapello County parents or legal guardians may request diapers.
  • Applicants must complete the form and the income verification process to begin receiving diapers.

When and What?


  • Applicants are eligible for diapers monthly once they complete forms and qualify. Get your diapers at one time.
  • Sieda cannot accommodate requests for Pull-Ups or specific brands of diapers. Diapers Sizes available – Newborn to 6.
  • Diapers that are distributed may not meet all your diaper needs, this program is intended to be supplemental.

Questions? Please, call  (641) 329-4355 or email