World Heart Day is on 9/29/22 and provides an opportunity for everyone to stop and consider how best to use ❤ for humanity, for nature, and for you.
Beating the cardiovascular disease is something that matters to every beating heart. Cigarette smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to get heart disease than nonsmokers & smoking doubles a person’s risk for a stroke. Smoking increases the formation of plaque in blood vessels & chemicals in cigarette smoke cause the blood to thicken and form clots inside veins and arteries. Coronary Heart Disease occurs when arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle are narrowed by plaque or blocked by clots.
Start your personal journey to quit today:
Quitline Iowa & My Life My Quit are toll-free, statewide tobacco cessation call/text line that is 100% free & confidential for adults & youth.
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