What are Head Start Parenting Workshops?
A family-friendly Parenting Skills Workshop is offered in Appanoose, Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Van Buren & Wapello counties. The Workshops are open to all parents and extended family members within the area. Local court systems and the local Department of Human Services routinely refer high-risk families to the Workshop as an intervention strategy in preventing potential abuse or neglect.

Workshop Curriculum
There are no fees or income guidelines for participation in the Parenting Skills Workshops.
Active Parenting
First Five Years
A Video-Based Program for Parents & Other Caregivers to Children from Birth to Age 5. Provides four sessions that focus on:
- What a baby’s cry means
- Ages and stages of development
- Building a strong bond
- Your child’s growing brain
- Using mindfulness to keep your cool
- Effective discipline young children can understand
- Choices and consequences
- 6 ways to prepare your child for school success
- and much more!
Each participant will receive a workbook and Certification of Completion.
Social & Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Positive Solutions for Families; Parent Training Modules
Provides Six Sessions teaching social/emotional skills to young children:
- Making Connection!
- Making it Happen!
- Why do Children Do What They Do?
- Teach Me What To Do!
- Facing the Challenge (Part 1)
- Facing the Challenge (Part 2)
Each participant will receive a Family Workbook and Resources.