Sieda Behavioral Health and Treatment Services is an active participant in the Wapello County Drug Courts (Drug Court and Family Drug Court), providing a certified substance abuse counselor to function as a member of the team.
Sieda Behavioral Health and Treatment Services’ mission is to reduce substance abuse and multi-occurring issues within the communities we serve by providing quality comprehensive prevention and treatment services that encompass all aspects of persons’ served life.
Sieda operates the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in the area. Registered child care providers are eligible to enroll in the program.
Sieda Community Action offers outpatient care of varying intensity for adults, adolescents, and children affected by substance abuse and mental health.
Sieda Behavioral Health & Treatment Services is partnered with United Community Services Healthcare offering MAT. The treatment program offers a combination of medication and counseling services.
Sieda Community Action Behavioral Health and Treatment Services offers mental health services. Our program offers a wide range of services.
We offer assessment services and crisis counseling for individuals, couples, and families that are experiencing an increasing concern that gambling is consuming their life.