What is Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)?

The Energy Assistance program is available to assist with the partial payment of heating costs for qualified applicants. You may be able to get help paying for part of your winter heating costs if you meet income guidelines.  Sieda Community Action will help you apply for benefits through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Until you apply, we cannot tell you how much assistance you will receive, assistance levels depend on income level, family size, the type of fuel you use to heat your home, and other factors. If you are determined eligible for benefits through the LIHEAP program, you will also be prevented from disconnection from your heating and electrical service through April 1st of each year. If you heat your home with liquid propane (LP), you can qualify to receive propane delivery through this program.

The 2024-2025 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 

Applications for heat assistance (LIHEAP) crisis assistance (utility disconnections) will now be processed through appointments in all counties. Applications, along with all required documentation, may still be dropped off at the Resource Centers via the outdoor drop box or inside the center. Please note that applications that are dropped off without all needed documentation will cause a delay in the processing of the application, and we encourage making an appointment. The Elderly (60+) and Disabled can start applying Tuesday, October 1st. Everyone else can start applying on November 1.

For an appointment, please call:

Wapello, Van Buren and Davis Counties: 641-682-8741

Jefferson County: 641-472-6140

Appanoose County: 641-856-8437

Mahaska County:  641-673-8609

Keokuk County: 641-622-3443

Energy Assistance

Moratorium protection begins November 1, 2024 and ends April 1, 2025

How to Apply

You can visit your local Sieda Resource Center to pick up an application packet. You can request a packet via email at liheap@sieda.org or one can be mailed to you upon request. If you would like an application mailed to your residence, please provide your contact info by emailing liheap@sieda.org or by calling one of our resource centers. Completed applications can be dropped off during normal business hours, or placed in the secure drop box at any of our locations. They can also be emailed back with all documentation attached to liheap@sieda.org. For special arrangements or to request a home visit, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.

Applicants will need to bring written proof of the household’s gross income for the last 30 days or last year’s Federal Taxes, recent gas bill, recent electric bill, and Social Security cards for all household members. Check out this list of documents you’ll need for your application.

Required Documents for LIHEAP

Having all the correct paperwork will make your application easier. We hope this list answers the questions most people have about what to bring. If you have a different income, or still have questions after reading the list, please contact us.

  • Proof of Social Security Numbers for all household members
    • Bring Social Security Cards for everyone living in your home. If someone does not have a card, contact the office you will visit to find out what to do. Adults can use a valid Iowa Drivers License instead of a Social Security Card.
  • Most Recent Heating Bill
  • Most Recent Electric Bill
  • Proof of Income for All Household Members
    • You may provide income from the past 30 days prior to the application, or for the past year, whatever is easier or more beneficial for you. Having the correct documents when you visit one of our offices or apply online will make applying easier.

Utility Bill Crisis Assistance is available all year.

Call or visit the Resource Center in your county.

What does LIHEAP involve?

Energy Assistance Payments

The payment amount is based on the family income, the number of individuals in the family, type of housing, and type of heating fuel used.

Emergency Crisis Intervention Program

Limited crisis funds are available for furnace repair/replacement, emergency payments for deliverable fuels, and emergency payment of past-due bills related to potential disconnections or reconnection of services.

Assessment and Resolution

The development of a personal “Energy Plan”, negotiation with utility companies regarding shutoff notices and payment problems, budget counseling, and resolution of energy-related problems are available

Emergency Home Cooling Program

Limited repair/replacement of air conditioners for the medically needy

Eligibility for LIHEAP is based on 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.


Sieda offers the Heating Program (LIHEAP) in these counties:

Appanoose      Davis      Jefferson      Keokuk      Mahaska      Van Buren       Wapello

If you live outside our core service area, you will need to apply with one of the other agencies that administer the program.

When the program year is open you may apply at any of the  Neighborhood Resource Centers in Sieda’s seven-county core service area by dropping off a completed application or making an appointment. Please visit our Locations page for the days and hours of each center. Please note that Van Buren and Davis offices are currently being served by calling 641-682-8741.

When to Apply

Applications are accepted beginning on the first working day of October (October 1) of each year for households with a member over the age of sixty, and households with a disabled member.

For all others, applications are accepted starting on the first working day of November (November 1). The application period ends on the last working day of April of each year.