Our Mission

Sieda Community Action works with communities to secure opportunities for people in need through advocacy, counseling, education, partnerships, and supportive services.With the strong foundation Sieda provides, individuals are more likely to become self-reliant and contribute positively to their families and communities.

Our Services

Individuals Served
Households Served
Youth Served (0-17)

News & Updates

Staff Anniversaries for February

It's time to recognize Sieda staff celebrating their February work anniversaries! Please take the time to give everyone celebrating an anniversary a congratulations for reaching their yearly milestone and accomplishing so much this [...]

Staff Anniversaries for January

It's time to recognize Sieda staff celebrating their January work anniversaries! Please take the time to give everyone celebrating an anniversary a congratulations for reaching their yearly milestone and accomplishing so much this [...]

Staff Anniversaries for December

It's time to recognize Sieda staff celebrating their December work anniversaries! Please take the time to give everyone celebrating an anniversary a congratulations for reaching their yearly milestone and accomplishing so much this [...]

Staff Anniversaries for November

It's time to recognize Sieda staff celebrating their November work anniversaries! Please take the time to give everyone celebrating an anniversary a congratulations for reaching their yearly milestone and accomplishing so much this [...]


Thank you for your help with MidAmerican! I want to thank you so much for the 2 big bags you gave me. I’m sharing some of it with others that need it.  Keep up the good work, which is AWESOME! God Bless you all!  K…

Mahaska Co. Client

Dear Sieda, I would like to thank you for helping me with my Alliant bill. You got me caught up and now I am on budget. Thank you also for the heating assistance. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you again! Respectfully & Sincerely L…

Crisis & LIHEAP Client

Thank you for organizing meaningful, educational activities for us to do at home while we could not meet in person. I also appreciate the additional household supplies that you have provided to our family. Thank you for all you do to help our family thrive!

PAT Client

Men and women who work for Sieda Community Action thank all of yous so much for the help you all have given me. And so many other people in our community and so many more community’s. You are so appreciated in so many different way’s. You have helped so many people in different walk’s of life. So thank Each and Everyone of you’s.  God Bless You and Your’s.


 “Asking for help can be so hard, but from the first visit with my FaDSS worker… I felt like I had someone who would listen and who thought and said I did many things right.  She helps me see options and she has connected me with so many things in my community that I didn’t even know about.”

FaDSS - Wapello Participant

I didn’t realize how much work you guys put into the visits and activities until you started bringing the activity bags.  I wish I would have been in this program with my older children. I didn’t think it could help me or my family but I see now that I missed out on information that would have been helpful with my older kids. You guys need to do a follow-up of the children who are in your program after they graduate from school.

PAT Client

I used LIHEAP 2 winters (maybe 2016 too for heat assistance I can’t remember) but being a single mom I did get almost the max at the time, $560 a season I think. My budget billing was $145 so it did carry me through November to March fairly well although I paid small amounts monthly as suggested. The Weatherization was awesome. I got the house fully insulated-attic to basement (4 levels!), a new basement exterior exit door (the old one was not airtight or good for security) And the contractor actually BUILT the door for me as it was not a standard size or thickness. And a new furnace. They weather stripped my other 2 exterior doors too. All the contractors sent to do the work were personable, professional, knowledgeable, and helpful… Just an awesome program. It helped me so much. I spread the word when I can. I always do. Since then I have done much work to the house and the value has doubled! No doubt the Weatherization improvements helped that tremendously!!

LIHEAP & Weatherization - Mahaska Client

“(My PAT Educator) has been helping us to help my daughter to learn not to hit. Like how to use words when she is unhappy. My daughter says the alphabet for (PAT educator) and now knows all her colors. I have told my friends about PAT but their kids were too old. I think PAT should keep going (for older kids too).”

A Mother in PAT

 “I was greeted immediately after coming in. The staff member who greeted me was courteous.”

BHTS Client

“Absolutely thrilled with the new door, water heater, baseboard heaters, insulation, and exhaust fan.  Greatly appreciated!  And with the limited space in the attic and crawl space it couldn’t have been easy.  Impressed in all areas!! Thank you so much!”

G.R. - Weatherization Client

“My first time doing anything like this. I come through the door scared and confused and I walked out with help, understand, and feeling like I matter too! Thank you so much”


“…wanted to say thank you (to FaDSS worker) again for setting this up for me. I was approved for $320 so it should get me through the rest of winter with saving me a few bucks. She (CAPS worker) also gave me a $50 gift card for Keith’s foods which will be very helpful as well. Thank you for all you do for my little family.”

- FaDSS & LIHEAP Participant

“I went from a really good place in my life to a really dark place FAST.  For as easily as I failed, I had to work extremely hard to gain back all of the things that I had lost-family, friends, employment, and sobriety. It meant the world to me to have a community program that stuck by me through this time. FaDSS is the only program that was with me for the fall and rise of my life.”

FaDSS - Appanoose Participant

“Very polite and patient with me. Nice, good more pleasant and great energy in the atmosphere. I thank them for being so kind. All of Sieda is great, they help people and we need that. All the staff is polite. Sieda has helped me and my family so much. I wouldn’t know what to do without them.”

Crisis Client

“Dear friends at Sieda. We wanted to say thank you for all you have done for us. Our Weatherization and our heating assistance. As other bills come in I do not know how we could have survived without you. We do appreciate it.”

Van Buren Client - Weatherization & LIHEAP

“Dear Sieda friends,  As we came in from the cold winds today, I wanted to send a letter of thanks to you for our Energy assistance. That plus the Weatherization which was done to our home has made a big difference in our comfort and cost. We appreciate it very much. Sincerely, H.”

Keokuk Client - Weatherization & LIHEAP

“I want to thank each and every one of you for what you do. Not just for me, but for everyone…May God bless each and every one of you and and your families.”


“Always a helpful smile. Good customer service and helpful!!!”

LIHEAP Participant

“The staff here is always very helpful and efficient. Thank you!”

LIHEAP Participant

“Very helpful in providing assistance with my problem and providing information for other resources available for me.”

Resource Center Client

“Very helpful with information about programs I can be a part of!”

LIHEAP, FaDSS Participant

 “I am so grateful they were able to help me, I didn’t know what I was going to do if they couldn’t.”

Crisis Help - Appanoose Client

How are we doing?

Let us know how we are doing and tell us about your latest visit to Sieda Community Action.

Help us create change!

Sieda Community Action is a private nonprofit corporation working to address the causes and conditions of poverty. Community support is crucial to our success. Charitable donations made to Sieda are always needed, accepted, and appreciated. Donations to our organization are tax deductible. Together we can change lives.