The Children’s Christmas Program for Jefferson County had many new locations and experiences. With the move of the Sieda Jefferson County Resource Center to a new location, the Christmas program moved to new locations. The Jefferson County Children’s Christmas drop-off was at the Word of Life Lutheran Church. And the distribution was at the Fairfield Public Library. Thank you for opening your doors to Sieda and offering your space and help.
The Jefferson County community came together to adopt children or donate to spread the spirit of Christmas. As a result, they made this a more cheerful Christmas for a child in a low-income family. Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of children in Jefferson County during 2017 were dealing with extreme poverty (100% line).[1] Sieda’s LIHEAP (Heating Assistance) and Christmas programs help families at the 175% poverty level with the struggles of financial difficulties.
With Help
There isn’t enough room on this page to list all the generous supporters and donors. Due to the kindness of the community, 456 children received gifts. Furthermore, helping provide toys, clothing, coats, and other items to assist 187 families during a financially stressful time of year.
The gifts that businesses, groups, and individuals donate are truly appreciated by the parents that pick them up. And that much more by the children receiving them. With money donations, we are able to reach even more children. Thank you Jefferson County community.
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