Behavioral Health and Treatment Services

Sieda Seeking Candidates for Its Board of Directors

2024-09-03T14:44:29+00:00September 3rd, 2024|Agency News, Behavioral Health and Treatment Services, Child Development, Family Support Services, Housing Stabilization, Uncategorized|

Sieda Community Action is seeking candidates from Davis, Van Buren, and Wapello Counties to serve as low-income representatives* on our board of directors. Sieda’s Board of Directors is the governing body of the nonprofit [...]

Behavioral Health and Treatment Services 2022 Performance Analysis

2023-10-18T19:12:46+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Agency News, Behavioral Health and Treatment Services|

Over the past year, Sieda Behavioral Health and Treatment Services (BHTS) have provided services to approximately 1,500 individuals for addiction, and mental health co-occurring conditions. Sieda Behavioral Health & Treatment has maintained CARF Accreditation [...]

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