Sieda Community Action has the Silver Bells Program for local seniors in the community. This program provides a food bag from Sieda with help from area volunteers and organizations.
Sieda serves hundreds of seniors (60+) with our programs. A large portion of the seniors that Sieda helps are automatically qualified for Heating Assistance (LIHEAP) due to being on a fixed livelihood (ex: SSI, SSDI) that stays the same every year. That means a single person below the 200% income level is making less than $29,160 a year, or for two people, it is $39,440. For this reason, pre-qualified low-income senior households have the chance to sign-up for the Silver Bells Program.
Community in Action!
This program is a joint effort between Sieda and local volunteers and organizations. The distribution is a drive-thru to make it easier for seniors.
First, Sieda’s bags of food are put together with our funds and donations. In Wapello County, the staff from Principal Financial Group of Ottumwa were kind enough to give their time once again this year to help pack the food bags. Thanks for your hard work year after year! The bags were then handed out by our Ottumwa Economic Support staff in a drive-thru at the Sieda headquarters. In Appanoose County, Kristopher Laurson and associates volunteered their time to pack bags. Packing consisted of filling Sieda reusable bags with non perishable Christmas dinner foods along with a 2 pound ham.
In total, between Wapello and Appanoose counties, Sieda handed out 404 senior food bags!

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