April is Alcohol Awareness Month. The promotion allows us the opportunity to look at our own alcohol choices and/or those of others to determine if we are experiencing drinking problems or alcoholism. People often underestimate how much they drink or are not aware of the problems drinking is causing themselves and others. The seriousness of the situation is also difficult to realize. But we are not helpless.
Finding the right time and choice of words are important if we are confronting a loved one or friend. Choose a time when the person is sober. Let them know how their alcohol use has affected you and others with a calm voice and non-judgmental manner. It may take several such conversations and involvement from other family and friends before they are willing to discuss treatment.
If you or someone you care about needs help with their alcohol choices, call Sieda Behavioral Health and Treatment Services at 641-683-6747. At Sieda we can find “Help for Today, and Hope for Tomorrow.”
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