As a Tobacco Prevention Specialist here at Sieda, one of the goals we work on for the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Community Partnership Grant through the Iowa Department of Public Health is policy work. I assist with updating existing policies or helping to implement new TF/NF policies (tobacco-free/nicotine-free). I may be working on this goal with various Businesses, Schools, Parks, Housing, or Daycare facilities. Within Appanoose, Davis, Mahaska, and Wapello Counties.
I am happy to share that I have been working with the Ottumwa Schools this year on updating their tobacco policy. The Ottumwa Community School District has officially adopted a new TF/NF policy that I submitted and was recently approved by the Tobacco Division. Since this new policy meets the requirements and was approved by the Tobacco Division, the Ottumwa Schools qualified for free signage for their buildings and grounds. I am continuing to provide support to the Ottumwa Schools, and once they decide how many signs they will need, I will place the order with the Tobacco Division.
Lisa McConnell
Tobacco Prevention Specialist
Behavioral Health and Treatment Services
Sieda Community Action
641-683-6747 ext. 114
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