Though other substance concerns make headlines, alcohol use continues to be a health concern. It is the third-leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. and affects adults and adolescents alike.  Alcohol Awareness Month is conducted each April. Sieda Prevention encourages supporters to join in the fight against this deadly disease.

Nationally, nearly 86 percent of people over the age of 18 have consumed alcohol in their lives, and over a quarter of adults have reported binge drinking. Among teens, alcohol use has declined over the past decade, but use has leveled in the last several years. The annual Monitoring the Future survey, which tracks youth trends across the country, noted that 55 percent of high school seniors used alcohol in the past year while 43 percent of juniors and 30 percent of eighth-graders had a drink.

If you or a loved one think you might need help, please reach out to Sieda Community Action’s Behavioral Health and Treatment Services Substance Use Disorder Counselors at 641-683-6747.