Have you ever needed help for yourself or a loved one, but did not know where to turn?
Your Life Iowa (yourlifeiowa.org) is a great resource right at your fingertips. This organization is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services under the Division of Behavioral Health. Your Life Iowa (YLI) covers topics that include alcohol, drugs, suicide, adult mental health, children’s mental health, and gambling.
You can explore topics, read statistics, and watch videos all addressing these difficult topics. YLI site has options to call, chat, or text with a real person in real time to assist with whatever the problem may be. In addition, YLI also has a resource locator so you can see what facilities or resources are nearby for further assistance. Another great feature on the website is a special tab for family and friends, with a specific area for parents and help for teens. Your Life Iowa allows you to explore numerous topics. As well as talk or chat through resources and options, all while remaining anonymous if you wish. It is a great place to start! Spanish resources are also available on the website.
Sieda Behavioral Health and Treatment Services Prevention Partner and Resource
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